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Berin Szoka discusses looming Net neutrality ruling in The Hill

January 3, 2014

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will soon rule on the FCC’s Open Internet Order, deciding whether the agency has the authority to impose this...

TechFreedom Looks Back at 2013 — and Forward to 2014

December 30, 2013

2013 was TechFreedom’s third year — and definitely our best yet. We’ve played an increasingly vital role in tech policy debates: We speak out against...

Commissioner Pai’s Kingsbury keynote featured in Multichannel News

December 23, 2013

Last week, TechFreedom brought together a panel of experts to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kingsbury Commitment and discuss how to promote universal service in...

Event Video: FTC Technology & Reform Conference

December 20, 2013

On Monday, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics launched the FTC: Technology & Reform Project with a conference featuring a wide variety...

TechFreedom’s fight against mass surveillance mentioned in SC’s The State

December 20, 2013

South Carolina House Democratic Leader Rutherford, Republican State Representative Smith, and the head of the state’s ACLU recently co-authored an op-ed calling for an end...

Event Video: “A New Kingsbury Commitment: Universal Service through Competition?”

December 20, 2013

Yesterday, TechFreedom hosted an event commemorating the Kingsbury Commitment’s 100th anniversary, and discussing how we can approach universal service in the digital era. Watch the...