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Scholars, including TF’s Manne, call for FTC guidelines

February 28, 2014

At 9:30am ET today, TF’s Geoffrey Manne will testify at “The FTC at 100: Views from the Academic Experts” hearing before the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s...

What’s the real problem: Net neutrality or Net capacity? Berin Szoka appears on Al Jazeera’s The Stream

February 28, 2014

Today, TF’s Berin Szoka was a guest on The Stream, Al Jazeera America’s Twitter-centric talk show. As the preview asked, “Why does your favorite cat video...

Action Alert: Help push ECPA reform over the finish line!

February 27, 2014

Tell Congress: end warrantless email searches! Use the tools at to ask your representative to co-sponsor the Email Privacy Act (HR 1852). You know...

Critical breach verdict nears in FTC case: Berin Szoka discusses Wyndham case in Politico Pro

February 26, 2014

The ruling in Federal Trade Commission v. Wyndham is expected to come out in a matter of days, and Politico talked with TF’s Berin Szoka and...

TF’s Geoffrey Manne to Testify on FTC Reform

February 26, 2014

Friday, Geoffrey Manne, Executive Director of the International Center for Law & Economics and a TechFreedom Senior Fellow, will testify at “The FTC at 100:...

FCC Grasps for Expanded Powers with Net Neutrality Push: Berin Szoka in The Hill

February 25, 2014

As the FCC moves to institute new Net neutrality rules to replace its regulations thrown out by the D.C. Circuit Court, many are beginning to...