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Washington Internet Daily considers how Wyndham ruling will affect FTC authority

March 10, 2014

The preliminary ruling in FTC v. Wyndham is expected to come out very soon, and all sides are paying close attention since the case (which...

TF Calls for Increased Public Access to Government Data

March 10, 2014

In a new letter to the House Committee on Appropriations, we joined with the Congressional Data Coalition and 17 other organizations to call for increased...

“This Week in Law” talks Net neutrality and the Comcast-TWC merger with TF’s Szoka and Henke

March 3, 2014

Friday, TF’s Berin Szoka and Jon Henke appeared on This Week in Law to talk about the Comcast-Netflix deal, Net neutrality, whether parodied logos violate...

Overshadowed by NSA surveillance, ECPA reform still making progress

March 3, 2014

The mass surveillance of American citizens by the NSA has been the leading technology policy story for months, and rightly so. But there are other...

Garcia court’s indecent manipulation of copyright to censor speech.

March 2, 2014

Some things are just indecent. Some might be so indecent that we want judges to use the law to prevent the harm, outrage, and disgust...

Geoff Manne’s oral remarks for House Energy & Commerce Committee’s FTC hearing

February 28, 2014

The following is a transcription of Geoff Manne’s oral remarks before the House Energy & Commerce Committee: Chairman Terry, Ranking member Schakowsky, and members of...