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Coalition Letter: OAMA Will Still Break Content Moderation

December 9, 2022

Today, TechFreedom was joined by a coalition of leading civil society groups and experts in technology and freedom of expression in a coalition letter to...

Journalism and Kids’ Safety Bills Both Threaten the First Amendment

December 7, 2022

This week, TechFreedom was joined by leading Internet law academics in two coalition letters to explain why key provisions of the Journalism Competition and Preservation...

Kids Online Safety Act Threatens the First Amendment and Minors’ Well-Being

December 6, 2022

Yesterday, TechFreedom was joined by several leading academic experts in a coalition letter to express concerns about the threats to liberty and minors’ well-being posed...

Outsourcing USF Governance to Private Entity Violates Constitution, TechFreedom Tells Eleventh Circuit

November 30, 2022

Yesterday, TechFreedom filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to hold that the Federal Communications Commission’s “private delegation”...

We’re Now on Mastadon!

November 23, 2022

Here we are, for all those who might be interested: Mastodon

Review Florida Social Media “Transparency” Rules, TechFreedom Urges Supreme Court

November 23, 2022

Today, TechFreedom filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Florida’s bid to impose invasive “transparency” rules on social media platforms...