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Closer to common ground on net neutrality

May 1, 2014

We may still disagree in some particulars, but a recent Huffington Post oped by former FCC officials Kevin Werbach and Phil Weisner (supporters of net...

Existing laws sufficient to govern ISPs: Berin Szoka on

April 30, 2014

Months after the Open Internet Order was largely struck down in court, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has proposed new regulations aiming to enforce the concept...

Dozens of Nonprofits Urge Obama to Support ECPA Reform

April 29, 2014

Last December, over 100,000 Americans joined together to demand an end to warrantless searches of emails and other online data. 138 days later, we still...

FTC’s Data Security Case Against Wyndham Worldwide Moves Forward: TF in Adweek

April 8, 2014

Yesterday, a federal court denied Wyndham’s motion to dismiss the FTC’s charges, meaning the agency’s case alleging the hotel chain failed to provide “reasonable” security...

Wyndham Decision Unsurprising but Misses the Point

April 7, 2014

Today, a federal court denied Wyndham’s Motion to Dismiss the FTC’s charges that the hotel chain failed to provide “reasonable” security for customer data. The...

“Big Data” Inquiry Should Study Economics & Free Speech: TF urges reform of blanket surveillance and FTC processes

April 1, 2014

Yesterday, TechFreedom submitted comments urging the White House to apply economic thinking to its inquiry into “Big Data,” also pointing out that the worst abuses...