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No, Title II Doesn’t Ban Prioritization OR Mandate Free Interconnection

June 25, 2014

Everyone in DC’s talking about reclassifying broadband as a public utility under Title II. We keep pointing out that this wouldn’t actually do what advocates...

Understanding Net(flix) Neutrality: Dressing Up Corporate Opportunism as Net Neutrality

June 25, 2014

Netflix recently cut a deal with Comcast to streamline their content delivery to Comcast’s customers. This is nothing new or special, as big content providers...

Tell Congress to Protect your Data from Warrantless Searches

June 25, 2014

Police and other law enforcement can conduct warrantless searches of Americans’ emails, cloud storage, and other digital effects, because our law is outdated. Lawmakers wrote...

Bipartisan Bill Would Free Up Wasted Government Spectrum

June 25, 2014

As demand for wireless data continues to grow exponentially, the federal government must free up underutilized spectrum for public and commercial use. A wireless network’s...

Rick Perry Supports States Rights — Except to Legalize Internet Gambling

June 25, 2014

Rick Perry has always claimed to be a supporter of states’ rights, federalism, the Tenth Amendment, etc. Yet he wants the federal government to bar...

House Passes Lofgren-Massie Amendment to Help Rein in NSA

June 20, 2014

The NSA collects emails and browsing and chat histories of Americans and searches the information without a warrant under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments...