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Net Neutrality Goes to Court: A Guide to the Internet’s Legal Fate. Geoffrey Manne in Bloomberg Business

March 16, 2015

The time is now for opponents and supporters of net neutrality to have their day in court. Last week the FCC made their list of...

FCC Process and Transparency Still Matter

March 16, 2015

Now that the FCC has released its new reclassification order, it is worth remembering past complaints about the FCC’s transparency and process problems. Their relevance...

‘Copyright Loophole’ Rankles Internet Activists. Geoffrey Manne in The Daily Caller.

March 16, 2015

In a surprise turn of events, net neutrality supporters are expressing concerns regarding the equal treatment of all Internet content as being claimed by the...

The FCC’s Other Absurd Power Grab

March 13, 2015

Muni Broadband Preemption is Illegal, Counter-Productive   Overshadowed by the unveiling of net neutrality rules yesterday, the FCC also released its Order on municipal broadband...

The FCC is Illegally Rewriting the Communications Act

March 12, 2015

Today, the Federal Communications Commission released new net neutrality rules in a 400-page order that prompted lengthy, detailed dissents from Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly. “This...

Hiring: TechFreedom Seeks SF Bay Area Development Director

March 11, 2015

Since launching in 2011, TechFreedom has become the premier free-market technology policy think tank. Our message is broader than libertarianism: we rally all those optimistic...