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FCC Falls Short on Broadband Deployment
Today, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law and Economics filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission in response to a notice of inquiry regarding...
The Jury is Still Out on Paid Prioritization
Casual observers of the endless net neutrality debate might still be wondering: what was the problem with the Internet that needed to be solved? Why...
Rep Louie Gohmert to FCC Chair: “You’re playing God with the Internet.”
In a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing on the FCC’s newly adopted rules on net neutrality, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler pointed to the 1996 Telecom...
Will Net Neutrality Vote Make Approval of Comcast-TWC Merger More Likely?
Will the FCC’s vote to reclassify broadband as a public utility under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act make the agency’s approval of the...
Title II Supporters in Retreat: Broadband Not a Utility?
Proponents of heavy-handed Internet regulation (under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act) have long compared broadband service to public utilities, such as water, electricity,...
Lawyer Up! Net Neutrality In Court for the Third Time
Today, Alamo Broadband, Inc. and USTelecom each sued (in two separate federal appeals courts) to block the FCC from enforcing its February order, which reclassified...