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Data Retention Mandates Threaten Both Rights and Security

May 11, 2015

Today, TechFreedom joined with a coalition of civil society groups in calling on Congress to refrain from mandating that any company retain user data for...

USA FREEDOM Act is a Key Step in Surveillance Reform

May 6, 2015

Today, TechFreedom joined a coalition of companies, industry associations and civil society organizations in signing a letter calling on Congress to pass the USA FREEDOM...

USA FREEDOM Act Would End the Worst Surveillance Offender

April 30, 2015

Today, the House Judiciary Committee will mark up H.R. 2048, the USA Freedom Act, which ends bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records under Section 215...

Nomi: The Dark Side of the Latest FTC Privacy Case

April 29, 2015

Last week, the FTC announced its complaint and consent decree with Nomi Technologies for failing to allow consumers to opt-out of cell phone tracking while...

Bipartisan Surveillance Reform Bill Is an Important First Step

April 28, 2015

Today, a bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced the USA Freedom Act, whose main purpose is to end bulk collection of Americans’ phone records under Section...

Weighing in on drone privacy rules: TechFreedom in FCW

April 27, 2015

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) is currently dodging criticism regarding the privacy of drones. Public reaction ranged from mundane to concerns about having...