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Blocking Comcast-TWC Won’t Increase Competition

April 23, 2015

Today, the WSJ reported that Federal Communications Commission staff recommended the agency designate a hearing for Comcast’s proposed merger with Time Warner, signalling that the...

Insurance Companies Can Use Drones To Evaluate Your Next Claim

April 22, 2015

Originally appeared in: The Value Penguin The commercial use of drones is moving toward prevalence as insurance companies put them into practice. It is currently illegal...

McConnell’s 215 Reauthorization Does Nothing to Protect Americans’ Privacy

April 22, 2015

Last night, Senator Mitch McConnell introduced a bill to reauthorize Section 215 of the Patriot Act through 2020 without ending blanket surveillance of innocent Americans....

Fix Cyber Information Sharing Bill, Free Market Groups Urge

April 17, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — A coalition of free-market groups issued an open letter to Members of Congress, urging them to consider amendments to the National Cybersecurity...

Net Neutrality Absolutism Hampers Efforts to Connect Developing World

April 15, 2015

Today, several Indian web companies withdrew from, a program that allows mobile Internet users unlimited use of Facebook and other participating sites and services...

Title II Lawsuits Might Hinge on FCC Process: Berin Szoka in the E-Commerce Times

April 15, 2015

Many wireless and cable industry groups filed lawsuits challenging the FCC’s new Open Internet rules. They do not oppose the concept net neutrality; they oppose...