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Government Shouldn’t Force Companies to Weaken Data Security

May 19, 2015

Today, TechFreedom joined a coalition of nearly 150 privacy organizations, tech companies, trade associations, and individual security experts in urging President Obama to support Americans’...

KY ownership of broadband raises privacy issues: Berin Szoka in The Courier-Journal

May 18, 2015

In four years Kentucky residents can look forward to better Internet service. Steve Beshear and his administration recently proposed the KentuckyWired project. The plan seeks...

Edward Snowden Did the Right Thing: Berin Szoka on Stossel

May 15, 2015

Since Edward Snowden first leaked documents revealing the National Security Agency’s spying on American citizens, debate has raged over whether the former NSA contractor should...

The Senate Should Move Quickly on Surveillance Reform

May 13, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2048, the USA FREEDOM Act, 338-88. The bill ends the NSA’s bulk collection of Americans’...

Data Retention Mandates Threaten Both Rights and Security

May 11, 2015

Today, TechFreedom joined with a coalition of civil society groups in calling on Congress to refrain from mandating that any company retain user data for...

USA FREEDOM Act is a Key Step in Surveillance Reform

May 6, 2015

Today, TechFreedom joined a coalition of companies, industry associations and civil society organizations in signing a letter calling on Congress to pass the USA FREEDOM...