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#4: DraftKings and FanDuel

January 15, 2016

In Episode #4, we discuss FanDuel, DraftKings, and the somehow controversial world of fantasy sports. We examine the hodgepodge of local, state, and federal laws...

#5: GOP Debate

January 15, 2016

Last night’s debate featured a major rift between Sens. Marco Rubio (FL) and Ted Cruz (TX) on the issue of government snooping on Americans. Evan...

#3: SOTU Reaction & the Big Picture of Tech Policy

January 13, 2016

In Episode 2, we discussed what President Obama SHOULD have said in his State of the Union Address—In Episode #3 we examine what he ACTUALLY...

TechFreedom Launches the Tech Policy Podcast

January 12, 2016

TechFreedom today announced the launch of the Tech Policy Podcast, a new venture from the Washington, D.C.-based think tank that will feature interviews about current...

#1: Introduction

January 12, 2016

Who is TechFreedom? What do they do? Why should anyone care? In Tech Policy Podcast’s inaugural episode, host Evan Swarztrauber interviews President of TechFreedom, Berin...

#2: State of the Union

January 12, 2016

What SHOULD President Obama say tonight in his final State of the Union address? And what is he likely to say instead? Berin Szoka offers...