Since launching in 2011, TechFreedom has become the premier free-market technology policy think tank. Our message is broader than libertarianism: we rally all those optimistic about technology and skeptical about government’s ability to engineer a better future from the top down. We aim to bridge traditional political and industry divides with a principled, ecumenical message, advancing practical policy solutions to debates that seem intractable.

Our work focuses on telecom policy, regulation of data, consumer protection, cybersecurity, competition policy, surveillance, civil liberties, free speech, Internet law and disruptive innovation. We are primarily a subject-matter-expertise based organization but have begun building an activist brand (example).

We are currently seeking to expand our influence in the tech world beyond Washington, DC. In the longer term, this means a San Francisco policy shop including at least one policy analyst and a director of activism, who will share responsibility for media outreach with our DC team.

In the near term, we seek a full-time or part-time development and fundraising expert based in San Francisco who can, in order of priority:

  • Cultivate Bay Area relationships with potential donors among individuals, companies and foundations
  • As time permits, cultivate Bay Area relationships with: journalists, potential allies among thought leaders and tech companies, grassroots supporters, potential hires: adjunct fellows, employees and interns
  • Coordinate closely with our President, who already spends significant time in the Bay Area, to make his visits worthwhile.
  • Conceptualize and help organize our own events (in conjunction with our DC team)
  • Represent TechFreedom as brand ambassador at Bay Area events and networking functions.

No prior policy experience or knowledge of tech policy required, but a general familiarity with the tech world is essential.

Preferred skills and assets:

  • 3+ years of experience with fundraising and developing other forms of relational capital
  • Existing social network in the tech world
  • Outgoing, extroverted personality
  • “Team player” — yes, it’s a cliche but this job will be highly collaborative
  • Entrepreneurial enthusiasm & ability to function independently
  • Passion for TechFreedom’s vision and, eventually, ability to explain our policy positions on a high level
  • Experience and comfort with heavy reliance on virtual collaboration platforms (we run on Google Docs and Slack)

This position would be fully integrated with our Washington, DC headquarters. Although we do have a physical office in Washington, we already coordinate closely with staff around the country and are accustomed to working virtually.

Salary commensurate with experience, consistent with non-profit salaries, and may be tied to success in fundraising.

Please send a resume and personal statement to Please be as specific as possible in your personal statement about your past fundraising experience, your existing connections in the tech world, and why you think you would be able to sell us with conviction.

