We’ve been busy at TechFreedom.  We just launched our new website on Tumblr and have been rocking the social media world on Facebook (5,272 fans) and Twitter (2,726 tweeps). Follow us if you don’t already!

But we’re still rocking Capitol Hill, too.  Join us and the International Center for Law & Economics at our still-new headquarters across the street from the Capitol for two major events in September on the future of tech and telecom policy.

First, on September 9 at noon, we’re hosting a debrief on the D.C. Circuit’s long-awaited oral arguments in Verizon’s challenge to the FCC’s net neutrality rules.  Arguments should start around ten that morning just down the street. Our panel of legal experts kicks off a recap on what the judges said, how the case might shake out, and what options might be for addressing concerns about market power in broadband without stifling innovation or investment.  Check out our amicus brief.  The livestream starts at 12:15 Eastern. RSVP here if you’ll be joining us for lunch. Hashtag: #NetNeutrality

If the court clearly bars the FCC from regulating net neutrality, the debate will shift to the Federal Trade Commission, which is increasingly becoming the Federal Technology Commission, regulating high-tech companies from privacy to data security to competition. The FTC turns 99 on September 26 — and we’re throwing a party at our place, DC-style: experts discussing how the FTC might need to evolve to protect consumers in a rapidly changing world.  (See, on point, our Senate testimony and amicus briefs in the Wyndham & POM Wonderful cases.) We can’t serve champagne but if you’re lucky, we might even throw in a Commissioner or three.  And we always livestream — that’s just how we roll.  Stay tuned for details! Hashtag: #FTCat99

We’re co-sponsoring two other events. On September 10, the Data Transparency Coalition kicks off Data Transparency 2013, the nation‘s first federal open data policy conference: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm at the Reagan Building.  We’re excited about the potential of opening up the data government sits on, from the scale of NSA surveillance to being able to rate VA hospitals on Yelp to better understanding federal spending and regulatory filings and smart disclosure. At least part of the conference will be livestreamed. Hashtag: #opendata2013

Finally, TechFreedom’s Berin Szoka will be speaking on privacy (at 10:30 am) — along with FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai — at the LGBT Technology Partnership’s debut September 12 conference on “The Future of Broadband, Security and Privacy for LGBT Communities.” It runs 8 am – noon at Hogan Lovells. Livestream uncertain. Hashtag: #LGBTTech
