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TechFreedom Files in Amicus in the Latest Net Neutrality Litigation
Today, TechFreedom filed an amicus curiae brief opposing legal challenges to the Restoring Internet Freedom Order approved by the FCC late last year. Petitioners have...
TechFreedom Will Support DOJ Lawsuit Against California’s Unconstitutional Net Neutrality Bill
WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed S.B. 822. That bill has been called the toughest of a series of proposed state laws...
Gov. Brown Should Veto California Net Neutrality Bill as Unconstitutional
WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, TechFreedom sent a letter to California Governor Jerry Brown, urging him to veto S.B. 822, legislation recently passed by California lawmakers...
T-Mobile/Sprint Merger Would Benefit Consumers, TechFreedom Tells the FCC
WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, TechFreedom filed comments opposing petitions to deny the T-Mobile/Sprint merger and urging the FCC to both approve the transaction swiftly, as well...
Net Neutrality & Public Safety: Clearing Up the Confusion
WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, TechFreedom filed comments on a petition for rulemaking filed by the National Telecommunications and Information Agency (NTIA), asking the Federal Communications...
Key Issues Facing FTC on Consumer Protection in the Digital Age
WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, TechFreedom filed comments addressing critical issues related to the FTC’s enforcement of consumer protection and competition laws in the 21st century,...