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The Net Neutrality CRA: Yay or Nay?

February 7, 2018

The effort to overturn FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order already has 50 Senators signed onto the Congressional Review Act – a vehicle chosen by Senate...

Information Intermediaries in a Nutshell

January 29, 2018

Recently Facebook has unveiled multiple planned changes to its newsfeed. Now we will see more content from our friends and fewer posts from news sites...

Heat Baby Heat? Harm Reduction and E-Cigarettes

January 23, 2018

While some may have started 2018 with a resolution to quit smoking, statistics say many will fail. In this episode we explore harm reduction as a...

Department of Labor Saves Gig Economy

January 17, 2018

In our new episode we are joined by Jared Meyer, Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability to discuss changes that the Executive and...

Warrantless Spying & Parallel Construction

January 5, 2018

Four years after the Snowden disclosures, Congress continues to wrestle with surveillance issues.  These include an ongoing reform battle over Section 702 of the Foreign...

Tech Policy Podcast’s Top Episodes for 2017

December 29, 2017

2017 was a big year for the Tech Policy Podcast. Building on the success of its first year, in its second we reached our 200th...