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#80: FCC Comm’r Ajit Pai Dissents on Charter-TWC Merger

May 12, 2016

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai joins the show to discuss his dissenting vote in the FCC’s approval of the Charter-Time Warner merger. Late last month, the...

#77: Facebook Bias? The Right Over-Reacts

May 10, 2016

Is Facebook biased against conservatives? Gizmodo ran a story today based on interviews with former contractors for Facebook, who “curated” the otherwise-machine-generated “Trending Topics” next to the...

#78: Permissionless Innovation

May 10, 2016

Should innovation require permission? Should entrepreneurs have to get government approval before experimenting with new products and business models? As technology has rapidly evolved over...

#76: Little Rock’s Taxi Monopoly is on Trial

May 9, 2016

monopolies have clashed with ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft across the country. But what happens when the clash is between two taxi companies? Ken...

#75: War on Drug Phones

May 5, 2016

Has the War on Drugs become a war on phones? The Apple v. FBI saga made encryption a household issue, but while that case focused...

#74: The Role of Phone Companies in Surveillance

May 4, 2016

What role should telephone and other technology companies play in national security and surveillance? Who should be in charge of collecting and storing data about...