Recent Posts

#97: Space Regulation

June 22, 2016

With recent budget cuts to NASA, exploration of the final frontier has increasingly fallen to the private sector. But what kind of regulatory environment are...

#96: Recharging Hotels

June 20, 2016

When we talk about hotels and the sharing economy, it’s usually about the hotel industry’s war against Airbnb, HomeAway, and other home-sharing sites. But today,...

#95: Cybersecurity Myths

June 15, 2016

With all the headlines around cyber attacks, there’s a lot of confusion and myths surrounding data security. Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the right one,...

#94: Email Privacy in an Emergency

June 9, 2016

Email privacy reform passed unanimously in the House, but the Email Privacy Act has hit a snag in the Senate. Though the bill’s core mission...

#93: Activism, or Slacktivism?

June 7, 2016

Digital activism is often little more than trending hashtags and caps-locked arguments that devolve into Hitler comparisons, but a new company is hoping to take...

#92: Government Hacking

June 6, 2016

If you get hacked, should the government hack back? Recent efforts have been made to fight the use of illegal botnets, but many privacy advocates...