Recent Posts

#127: Rules of the Driverless Road

September 22, 2016

“Driverless cars” is a hot topic this year, especially as self-driving Ubers hit the roads in Pittsburgh. This week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration...

#126: Who Watches the Watchmen?

September 20, 2016

We know from the Snowden leaks that the NSA and other intelligence agencies are watching us. But who watches the watchers? Congress is responsible for...

#125: An Economics-Free Zone

September 16, 2016

Is the FCC an “economics-free zone?” The agency routinely issues regulations that will have a major impact on businesses and consumers. But does the Commission...

#124: Suing a Website

September 13, 2016

Have you ever been wronged by a website? Have you ever wanted to sue it? Before you rush to hire a lawyer, you may wanna...

#123: Flytenow and Plane-sharing

September 9, 2016

You’re probably familiar with Uber and ride-sharing. But do you ever wonder why there isn’t something similar for air travel? A plane-sharing app? Therewas one, actually,...

#122: Saving Local News

September 7, 2016

Today’s media landscape looks nothing like the 1970s. Back then, newspapers, radio, and television were the only games in town. But despite such insignificant developments...