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Verizon v. FCC – Net Neutrality Amicus Brief of TechFreedom, CEI, Free State Foundation & Cato

July 24, 2012

TechFreedom joined the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Free State Foundation and the Cato Institute as amici curiae (friends of the court) in a brief (...

Patrick Ruffini Offers His Own Cyber-Libertarian’s Declaration

July 7, 2012

Patrick Ruffini Offers His Own Cyber-Libertarian’s Declaration Patrick Ruffini responds to our declaration of Internet Freedom: The last week has been a time for declarations. These include...

A Conflict of Visions over the Declaration of Internet Freedom

July 2, 2012

Today, on the eve of the 236th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence’s adoption, two “Declarations of Internet Freedom” have been issued. The first, spearheaded...

Szoka Testifies at Senate Privacy Self-Regulation Hearing

June 29, 2012

The debate thus far has systematically underestimated the benefits to consumers from the use of personal data to tailor advertising, develop new products, and conduct...

Europe’s Antitrust Charges Against Google Won’t Stick

June 21, 2012

In an  article  now online at Foreign Affairs, TechFreedom President Berin Szoka and International Center for Law and Economics Executive Director Geoffrey Manne explore the European...

Supreme Court Allows FCC to Continue Broadcast Censorship

June 21, 2012

The United States Supreme Court today unanimously held FCC’s indecency standards were unconstitutionally vague under the Fifth Amendment. But in Federal Communication Commission v Fox...