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FCC Has No Basis for Setting Arbitrary E-Rate Broadband Speed Goals

November 8, 2013

Today, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics filed Reply Comments on the Federal Communications Commission’s proposal to modernize the E-Rate Program, created...

New FCC Chairman Should Focus on Bipartisan Goals of National Broadband Plan

October 30, 2013

Last night, the Senate confirmed Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman and Mike O’Rielly as FCC Commissioner, thus bringing the FCC to full strength. The following...

Event Video: “DC v SF: A Clash of Visions for Tech Policy”

October 29, 2013

Yesterday, we hosted an event in San Francisco on how innovators and policymakers agree and disagree on the future of technology. Moderated by Declan McCullagh (Chief Political...

Broadband Cost and Speed: It’s complicated

October 28, 2013

The discussion at Reddit over the new New America Foundation broadband cost study is interesting. A great deal of the discussion seems to be about...

DC v SF: A Clash of Visions for Tech Policy

October 25, 2013

How do DC and SF think about the future? Are their visions of how to promote, and adapt to, technological change compatible? Or are America’s...

FTC must limit competition authority, Congressional Judiciary leadership urges

October 24, 2013

Senators Chuck Grassley and Mike Lee and Reps. Bob Goodlatte and Spencer Bachus just sent a strongly worded letter to FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez insisting...