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Event Video: “A New Kingsbury Commitment: Universal Service through Competition?”
Yesterday, TechFreedom hosted an event commemorating the Kingsbury Commitment’s 100th anniversary, and discussing how we can approach universal service in the digital era. Watch the...
FTC: Technology & Reform Conference Begins!
The FTC: Technology & Reform Project’s launch conference has begun! Not here in person? Check out C-SPAN’s coverage of the event (including FTC Commissioner Wright’s keynote address and our fireside chat with...
FTC: Technology & Reform Project Launches 12/16 with Conference keynoted by Commissioner Wright
As it begins its hundredth year, the FTC is increasingly becoming the Federal Technology Commission. The agency’s role in regulating data security, privacy, the Internet...
A New Kingsbury Commitment: Universal Service through Competition?
Join TechFreedom on Thursday, December 19, the 100th anniversary of the Kingsbury Commitment, AT&T’s negotiated settlement of antitrust charges brought by the Department of Justice...
5 Rules for Antitrust in a High-Tech World
Former FTC chair Tim Muris nailed it back in 2010: Be wary of competitor complaints. When a competitor tells government that its rival acts unfairly,...
State Lawmakers Again Trying to Justify Video Game Censorship: Berin Szoka in HuffPo
Still smarting from their blow-out loss at the Supreme Court two years ago, state legislators are laying the groundwork for a new push to censor...