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Net Neutrality Ruling Put Future of Internet into Hands of FCC and Congress: Jon Henke in Fox News
This month, the DC Circuit Court struck down most of the FCC’s Open Internet Order. TechFreedom recognized that the agency may have lost the battle,...
Wired’s “Three Dangers of Losing Net Neutrality That Nobody’s Talking About” features TechFreedom’s Analysis
Wired Opinion recently published a list of three major dangers from last week’s Net Neutrality ruling that aren’t getting enough attention, and TechFreedom’s analysis made...
TF Dispels Net Neutrality Fears on WNPR
Yesterday, TF President Berin Szoka discussed last week’s Net Neutrality ruling on WNPR’s Where We Live. Some worry that the ruling means “Net Neutrality is dead,” and that...
Over 10,000 Call for Reversal of FDA’s Actions Against 23andMe
Late last year, the FDA ordered home genetics testing company 23andMe to cease marketing its diagnostic service, which informed customers about their predispositions to a...
How Will Net Neutrality Ruling Affect the Mobile Health Industry? Berin Szoka talks to Government Health IT, an outlet covering the intersections between government action and the health and information technology industry, checked in with top tech policy experts on how...
TechFreedom Warns of FCC’s Sweeping New Powers at
After Tuesday’s court ruling on the FCC’s Net Neutrality regulations, looked at how top tech policy experts are interpreting the decision, and TechFreedom got...