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Szóka to Congress: Don’t Rush the IANA Transition

September 14, 2016

A Trial Period Would Safeguard Internet freedom WASHINGTON — Today, TechFreedom President Berin Szóka testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the “IANA transition,” which...

FCC’s Pai Proposes ‘Gigabit Opportunity Zones’

September 13, 2016

Other Reforms Would Ease Broadband Deployment, Bridge Digital Divide WASHINGTON — Today, Ajit Pai, a Republican Commissioner for the Federal Communications Commission, laid out a...

FCC Makes Itself King of Copyright

September 8, 2016

WASHINGTON — Today, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler released a fact sheet announcing his revised proposal to force cable, satellite and telephone companies (MVPDs) to make...

IANA Transition Is Premature

September 8, 2016

Extension & Partial Transition Needed to Address Remaining Questions WASHINGTON — TechFreedom today released a white paper explaining concerns about the transition in Internet governance...

FCC Must Fix its ‘Broadband Assessment’ Farce

September 7, 2016

Current Process Creates Vicious Cycle of Regulation WASHINGTON — Yesterday, TechFreedom filed comments in the Federal Communications Commission’s annual “broadband assessment.” The outcome is all...

FTC’s Loss in AT&T Case May Create Privacy Vacuum

August 29, 2016

Decision May Embolden FCC but Only Congress Can Close Gap SAN FRANCISCO — Today, the Ninth Circuit tossed out the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) enforcement...