Despite a recent setback in the net neutrality fight, Republicans continue to speak about the issue. The FCC is set to vote on enacting regulations that would classify broadband Internet as a utility. Republicans are gearing up to portray President Obama’s support of the vote as “executive overreach.” Sen. Ted Cruz’s tweet condemning the plan as “Obamacare for the Internet” went went viral. Similar outcry was heard from Sen. Rand Paul when he foreshadowed it as a tax on the middle class.
“This is a perfect wedge issue,” said Berin Szoka, executive director of TechFreedom. “Republicans are really bad at messaging on this. For Democrats, they have a message that sounds great. Their message is far, far simpler.” That message is one of protecting the Internet, while accusing Republicans of cowering to cable juggernauts at the expense of making the Internet a “pay-to-play” world. Szoka believes that net neutrality could get air time from Democrats during the 2016 cycle.
“This is the new culture wars,” Szoka said. “Think about the gay marriage debate, for example. People who have made a living of the fight on both sides need to keep the fight going.”