What We Do

TechFreedom digs deep into the hard policy and legal questions raised by technological change. We’re bullish on the future: for the most part, it’ll be great — if we let it. If those in power can resist the all-too-natural impulse for stability and control. We craft policy frameworks that allow for experimentation, innovation, and evolution, that help people adapt to change, instead of trying to fight it, that focus on clear problems. In short, we teach policymakers how to be friends, not enemies, of the future.

The future will be as grand, and as particular, as we are.

Virginia Postrel

Recent Posts

Fix Panel Decision Gutting Section 230, TechFreedom Tells Full Third Circuit

October 8, 2024

Today, TechFreedom filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit to grant full-court review of a deeply incorrect panel...

Upcoming Event: Traversing the Crypto Regulatory Minefield

October 3, 2024

We’re excited to announce the fourth installment of our “Tech in the Courts” virtual series—presented collaboratively by TechFreedom and Washington Legal Foundation. This crossover event...

Mississippi Age Verification Law Chills Protected Speech, TechFreedom Tells Fifth Circuit

October 2, 2024

Yesterday, TechFreedom filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to affirm the district court’s decision blocking enforcement of...

Upcoming Event: How Age Verification Undermines the First Amendment While Failing Kids

September 25, 2024

We’re excited to announce the third installment of our “Tech in the Courts” virtual webinar series—presented collaboratively by TechFreedom and Washington Legal Foundation. This panel...

Age Verification Violates First Amendment Law, Amicus Brief Tells Supreme Court

September 23, 2024

Today, TechFreedom joined an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Fifth Circuit’s misapplication of First Amendment law to online adult speech....

FCC’s AI Regulations Raise Serious Legal Concerns

September 20, 2024

Yesterday, TechFreedom filed comments in the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) proceeding regarding the use of artificial intelligence-generated content in political advertising. The Commission aims to...