Recent Posts

#179: Hate Speech

June 9, 2017

Recent terrorist attacks in Portland, London, and Manchester have many calling for a crackdown on Internet hate speech. They argue that allowing toxic content to...

#117: FBI Spying on Journalists

August 22, 2016

What happens when the FBI wants to spy on journalists? This summer, The Intercept obtained classified rules revealing a largely unrestrained procedure for obtaining journalists’ call information using national...

#116: Digital Free Speech Part 2 with FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman

August 19, 2016

The Federal Election Commission has long taken a light-touch approach to regulating online speech. But two recent cases involving livestreaming and filming political debate resulted...

#107: Digital Free Speech (w/ FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman)

July 25, 2016

Political speech has flourished on the Internet, thanks in large part to the First Amendment and a lack of regulation from the Federal Elections Commission...

#90: Media Ownership

May 31, 2016

The media and advertising markets are more competitive than ever, and it’s been awhile since radio, TV stations, and newspapers were the only games in...

#77: Facebook Bias? The Right Over-Reacts

May 10, 2016

Is Facebook biased against conservatives? Gizmodo ran a story today based on interviews with former contractors for Facebook, who “curated” the otherwise-machine-generated “Trending Topics” next to the...